miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2020

Footprinting everywhere


Have you ever listened to the questions: "Why are you working so late? Why are you making an effort in your studies? Why are you investing so much time on this project?. Fourteen years ago, one of my ex-bosses and I were traveling by plane from Armenia to Ibague; it seemed that he never took a rest during the entire day. Even when we were flying, he barely stopped calling by his phone, talking about his business.

Let's keep in mind the following: That was my first month on that job, so I might have been ignoring what it could be the motivation from my ex-boss for making that effort every day on his duties. A few days later, I found out he always had dreamt about establishing a betting network across the country. 6 years later, he made it.

Since that day, I could not bind that behavior to a reasonable argument. I mean, it was not possible to spend so much time on getting power and money. Yeah, that was insane, until I heard from a teacher the following question and its respective answer: 

Why do you start a project? You start and complete a project for leaving your footprints over society.

There are many ways for representing our footprints over the people. 

One of those is when you feel useful. Let's be honest, most of people love to be successful in their lives. When everyone achieves a goal, his or her mind gets fully charged with too much confidence. Being a successful person is a behavior that must be spread over people because models are the best way to teach something.

Another one could be when you create a better world: If you finish your project and you start to see a meaningful change in our world, you can say that this feeling is coming proudly from your efforts. That means that you are leaving a legacy for the next generations. In that case, you do not have to be selfish if anyone helped you with that goal. sharing your recognition makes meaningful your cause.

The the last one is when you are proud of your values. We must be clear that there are so many people grateful for their values. When they create something new, this represents those values, and also it is generating a kind of empathy. Here, we could say that you are using your personal signature on everything you do.

What must you do to achieve your purposes?

 On the one hand, you have the time. For every goal you might want to achieve you must do it on a previously defined time interval. If you don't focus on that, the related dream will never come true.

On the other hand, you have the resources. Even if I sound kind of materialist, it is mandatory to have some financial and human resources if you want to get a result from your efforts. Of course, If you do not administer them in a conscient way, you are not going to get the desired result.

Finally, You should never miss the expected quality level on your project, no matter how long it takes and how complex it could be to achieve that. Remember, the stronger you stomp your foot on the sand, the deeper and harder to erase your footprint will be.

Artificial Intelligence

Is it amazing that John can forecast almost everything that is going to happen in his daily routine? Is John a kind of wizard? is it possible that he is used to visiting an oracle?. How could it be explained that he is always able to know which road is available to drive fast?. It is not necessary to know that any of those actions might be achieved by a smartphone and the internet. But there is more than a black box called "The Internet" or a fancy phone, It is recommended to keep in mind that there are huge amounts of data, and there is also an enormous computing capacity inside that black box.

Lately, It's been told that someday the human being is going to be replaced by the machine. This is not true, despite the fact that people are getting dependent on smart devices. The desired role for the human being, in its relationship with the machine, is to make the choices as soon as the machine delivers wisdom. The key fact here is giving as much information for processing as possible to the machine. which it will deal with that input faster than human, and it will be able to correlate it with more registered data.

Unfortunately, all the information given to a machine is not so useful, that is why it is necessary to deal with meaningless data or garbage data. With that kind of data, the machine is not able to produce wisdom. From this fact, the software developers tried to solve it across the data profiling, which is a way to clean the information, taking away the unusual occurrences of the data, prior to process it.

Finally, the machines will learn the behavior or the daily routines of the human being through different inputs, but what it is necessary to teach them is that mankind is continuously evolving to a better condition and is getting prepared for living in a society with plenty of equality and freedom. if it is taught a different and selfish concept, it will be the end for the human being.

lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2020


 Hoy vuelvo a mi acostumbrado espacio de reflexión, de ajuste de cuentas con mi conciencia, de deshago de mi corazón. 

Posiblemente me duela que nos vamos sin dar una dosis extra de nuestro ser, que nos vamos así sin más, sin cumplir ciertas expectativas. Posiblemente nos cae el telón, sin los esperados aplausos o sin los actos que esperabamos culminar. Ante una fragilidad corporal, funge una mente incontenible los pensamientos más brillantes y el elixir del ser en su más pura expresión. Pero esa fuente incontenible también se extingue ante el culminar de la vida.

Y entonces, ¿Qué queda después de intentar una huella más y no lograrlo por ser presa de la eternidad?, ¿que queda del mañana que no nos llegó? ¿que queda de lo que no pudo ser?... indudablemente queda el cuanto amaste, el cuanto reiste, queda cuanto tus brazos cerraron y e imprimieron en el corazon los sentimientos más profundos y complejamente hermosos.

Somos cuanto amamos y nos complementamos en el reflejo de nuestro amor en todo ser y en lo que nuestra alma ardió con toda la pasión. Somos esos orgasmos que unieron almas y produjeron los "Te amo más sinceros", somos esas llamaradas que avivaron esa voluntad y la definieron claramente.

Solo nos queda avivar nuestras almas y salir a nuestra obra diaria, no con un libreto previamente esbozado, si no con las ilusiones de apostar nosotros y nuestros sueños. Es cierto que no sabemos cuántas veces podremos hacer esa apuesta, pero con cada apertura deberemos ver que  tenemos la oportunidad de seguirnos escribiendo a diario.

lunes, 24 de agosto de 2020

Funny Familiar Stories

 The pot

This story happened, I think, 60 years ago. It's about two siblings, their dad, and their daily tasks. Actually, many years later,  those two kids became my dad and my uncle

So...My Grandfather told my Dad that He and Fernando must bring the food for the pigs; that one was a complicated dutty, beacuse there was a hudge distance between the  place from they must bring  the food and their house. Nevertheless they have already found out their way to divide that task, one of them carried the heavy pot across the street meanwhile the other one took a rest. they switched their roles on the next street.

Unfortunately Fernando stopped carrying the pot and he told Carlos He was tired and he wasn't going to pick the pot from the floor. But Carlos said to him that he neigther pick the pot from there. they left the pot on the floor and everyone was thinking that the other one must complete the job, while they walked away from that place. But suddenly a car appeared  from a close garage and smashed the pot, and both guys could not do anything.

They tried to hide the werckled pot, but my grandfather discovered them and obviously he grounded them.

lunes, 6 de abril de 2020

Many years later..,

It's been a long long time since I wrote for the last time at this blog. Somehow, at this moment, the reason to continue developing ideas is just that I'm t practicing my writting or I'm just letting go all the heavy toughs  that are pushing my mind.

if we consider it, most of us are facing many complex situations. Life keeps changing by itself, so, we have to accept these changes and get the best of them. Despite the apparent lonelyness, you are not really alone. when you call your pals by phone or whatever useful for comunicate with them, you are alse offering a strong handshake. And you know, here is the magic, when you press your hand with the hand of your friend, you are also feeling that your hand is being filled with trust and kindness.

Here is the thing, If you don't want to pass througth this hard time as a trip over a dark highway to nowhere, please don't isolate yourself. ask to your friends about their lifes, their business, talk to them. in that way, somehow you'll feel useful and a little bit lighter.

viernes, 25 de julio de 2014

la verdadera belleza sin los paradigmas de siempre

Hoy iba camino a casa, de pie para variar, hasta que en una parada me logré sentar...quise ser caballero, mas el cansancio en las piernas me hacia tambalear. Después de un par de minutos volví a ver a una pelirroja hacer fuerza con un maletin y sin poderse sentar...

Me dije, en honor a las pecas que tanto me gustaron un día, si esas pecas que nunca tuvieron dueña, ni se materializaron en alguien real..... en honor a esas pecas supervaloradas para su peso real.... si, es curioso como el hombre puede lanzar ilusiones por la borda, dejando atrás a una pareja digna...o en mi caso, dudar de lo especial que tiene el amor y que no se ve con los ojos del cuerpo...

Hoy así se sea rubia, pecosa, peliroja, morena, flaquita,durita, blandita, gordita,etc... se debe mirar el corazón de una mujer que te respete y te haga un mejor hombre
Algunos años después

Gracias a esos paradigmas del común, si gracias a no haberlos seguido, soy feliz.. tengo una familia conformada por mi hermosísima  esposa y mi hijo precioso

Espiral celeste

Es complejo revisar la composición del ser humano, ya que este está compuesto por una maraña muy compleja: Cuerpo, Alma, Mente entrelazados entre si.

Luego vienen los recuerdos, los sentimientos, nuestras esperanzas, nuestras decepciones, nuestras zozobras existenciales, nuestras pequeñas victorias gigantes, nuestras imprudencias, nuestros más profundos desconocimientos, nuestros mejores y fenomenales esfuerzos. Todo fluye en este universo y hay veces que sólo somos presas de esta espiral celeste.

¿Que tan ínfimo es el ser humano? Llora, ríe, ama, sueña, rompe sus sueños, pero vuelve a soñar; odia, pero vuelve y ama. Para nada es ínfimo, sin embargo también está sujeto a las reglas de una espiral superior, la bastantemente amplia voluntad divina. En ella gira quien quiere y quien no también. No vale la pena renegar de ella, solo vale la pena esperar en esta para que las respuestas lleguen de una en una. Si algo está ligado a nuestra aparente simpleza o banalidad, es nuestro efímero  estar en este plano; Por ello se tiene la certeza de que las respuestas existen y que se conocerán en el momento adecuado.

Los paradigmas existen y el ser humano siembra en ellos sus fundamentos para alejar a la incertidumbre. Craso error, los paradigmas solo ofrecen la visión de un mundo bajo un guión, nunca deben ser nuestra única verdad. Por esto,  lo único exacto, afuera del pasado, es el hoy. Sólo podemos vivir disfrutando del hoy y teniendo el agradecimiento por cada minuto que vivimos, porque sin duda este no volverá mas que en nuestros recuerdos. 

Sólo resta agradecer por el hoy, porque entre tantas cosas, siempre se encuentran bendiciones. Lo importante es saberlas ver. Así como el pescador sabe en que momento debe atrapar su provisión